This document is about a screen that shows information. Shocking, I know.

I obfuscated a few things to protect my personal information.
How it Started
A few years ago I bought a new monitor for my PC. That left me with a monitor I could use for anything I want.
So I decided to hook a Raspberry Pi to it and show some useful information like weather, calendar, and news. The monitor then was placed in the kitchen.
The First Implementation
The first implementation for this was using vanilla JS (and of course HTML and CSS).
Even though I had not had too much experience in JS, I tried to use "good" software development practices, like class inheritance and ES-Modules.
I hosted it, using the default PHP HTTP-Server locally and opened a Chromium browser on localhost.
If you are interested in the code, here is the repository of the second version, which uses most of the code from version one.
Phase Two
The second version of this project basically took all the code from the first version and bundle it as an Electron App.
I hoped that the performance would be increased by not using the whole Chromium bloat.
It (well, who would have guessed) didn’t.
The old code is still up, so if you’re interested you can find it in this repository.
Phase Three
When I started to learn React more, I realized that what I tried to achieve in the prior versions are just React components.
I rewrote what I had using React.
But I also had already learned about Frameworks for React that provide static site generation like Next.JS and Gatsby.
Gatsby looked like a good choice so I just went for it.
It gets hosted in a Docker container on my own home server and the Pi just opens up a Chromium again.
This marks the end of the development history.
So what’s on the Screen?
Currently, the following info is shown:
Weather and weather map
two RSS news feeds
a Google calendar
departures on the nearest tram station
Spotify or info from my plant sensors
Also, the background image is cycled through 20-ish images.
When it’s getting late, a dark mode gets activated and the weather map is replaced by I cute gif of a sleeping Pikachu.
For the weather, I used the DarkSky API.
Because Apple bought it and (of course) shut down the public API I had to switch to Pirate Weather.
Sadly the data from Pirate Weather seems to not be accurate most times.
In the future, I probably want to switch to another API.
RSS News
For news, I use the RSS feed of the Tagesschau, one of the earliest and biggest news channels in Germany. I also put in a few topics from Der Postillon a German satire news page. It’s available on English too.
Google Calendar
It uses the Google Calendar API and orders the event by a day.
My local public transport company has an API available to fetch data for the stations. It’s quite simple to use actually!
This part shows which song is currently playing in the kitchen. How it works is a project in itself. A write-up will follow later.
If nothing is playing, information about a few plant sensors is shown.
This just fetches and shows the current status of the plant sensors from my Home Assistant.